Ancienne porte-parole
Henny Granum
La Danemark
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Knut Papendorf
Lebensborn - Norvège
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Gisela Heidenreich
Lebensspuren e. V. Wernigerode,
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Erika Holmbom
Verein der Wehrmachtskinder en La Finlande
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Coeurs sans Frontières - Herzen ohne Grenzen
La France, L'Allemagne, L'Autriche
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Winfried Belau (Admin)
Distelblüten- Russenkinder in Deutschland
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Jan Pelegrino
Stichting Sakura
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Han Gieske
The association Japanese Indonesian-Dutch Descendants (JIN)
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Ajna Jusic
Bosnian Association "Forgotten Children of War"
The Children Born Of War project (Link)
The Children Born of War Project is founded on the belief that awareness and empathy is the best antidote for prejudice and that we through insight and information can help these children to be seen and protected for what they are – innocent children.

Organisation faîtière pour BOW.i.n.
Fantom Netzwerk für Kunst und Gesichte(n) (Link)